“The Wizard of Oz” graced the town of Gaylord this summer as Gaylord Community Productions summer musical. The play closely follows the 1939 movie, including the songs, characters and scenes everyone knows and loves. The entire family was captivated as they travel down the Yellow Brick Road and beyond with Dorothy, Toto and their friends the Cowardly Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow in this lavish production, featuring breathtaking special effects, dazzling choreography and classic songs, such as the Yellow Brick Road. | Summer 2010 Production August 5-10 at the Alan L. Gornick Auditorium. Director Charlie Bono's Announcements After an excellent turnout for auditions, the cast numbered about 150 performers, including about 80 munchkins. It included many actors making their GCP debuts: including Penny Podjaske (Pippo) as Dorothy, Karen Ballantyne Foster as the Wicked Witch of the West, Andrew Chandler as the Cowardly Lion, Cameron Stefanski as Scarecrow, Ryan Gorman as Tinman, and John Reed as Uncle Henry. Returning to the stage are Michael Moir as the Wizard of Oz, Kaylee Jewell as Glinda, and Cathy Huegel as Auntie Em. Snickers played Toto. Reaching Out The Final Dress Rehearsal before opening night is usually considered a family night, but this year it was much more. Gaylord Community Productions is “Reaching Out” and invited those who ordinarily would not be able to enjoy a performance to come to this special event. GCP set aside our Final Dress Rehearsal on August 4th at 7:00pm as our first annual “Reaching Out” Benefit. We invited Northern Management Services, Alpine Workshop, Crossroads Industries, McReynolds Hall and Tendercare residents and staff. We offered sign language for the hearing impaired. |